ContentStudio 2.0 – Product Updates: May & June 2020
Published by Mariyum Noor
Jun 19, 20208 minutes
Hi, people of the world! We are back with exciting features! Let’s walk you through the latest ContentStudio product updates released in May and June! We have a lot of interesting features and improvements to cover today, so let’s jump right in!
Pagination is the process of displaying fetched results in multiple pages instead of showing them all on one page. This is to avoid having a page so long that it takes excess load time.
How does it help?
Having more than 100 posts would usually cause the API to crash. There were delays- and eventually causing a timeout. When a user fetched these posts, it would result in an increase in RAM usage, in order to maintain the data.
With the magic of pagination, we have removed these limitations. Now posts are fetched with an increment of 20 posts! Say goodbye to lags. 😉
Help Section for Connecting Instagram to ContentStudio – IOS
Change in URL Preview
URL preview in Composer – IOS App
With this new update, URL preview is visible while composing a post.
Disable notification/reminder for a specific device
On a beautiful sunny morning, you’re having coffee with your long-lost best friend, catching up, and talking about the amazing dress you saw!
But right then… there’s a buzzing sound, then notice a pulsing notification alert on your phone. What if it’s something urgent? You wouldn’t want to ignore it….
You pick up your phone, and it turns out it was just some random reminder from an app. At that moment, you want to delete that app – or turn notifications off for EVERYTHING!
Believe me, we have all been there.
In this world of tech, it’s important to appreciate the existence of real-life people. Don’t want you to become too dependent on machines! (We have all watched the Terminator, robot apocalypse is not going to turn out well for any of us!)
But hey, jokes aside, with this update, we hope to give you an option to disable notifications from your phone for our app. If you have an Instagram Business account with multiple people having access to it, we understand that you don’t need spam notifications.
You can enable/disable notifications for a device directly from the web ContentStudio!
Enable or Disable Reminders from ContentStudio Web
Lastly, there have been Code improvements!
We have made the application leaner and have updated all third party libraries.
I hope you enjoy all these new features! Please write a review for us on the App Store, and tell your friends about this!
Google My Business is one of the most reliable platforms for marketers to manage an online presence of their business. Google My Business is the best way to win the trust of your audience by bringing out your information to create a personalized relationship with them. This gives you an opportunity to drive more potential customers toward your business.
With this update on Google Chrome Extension, a user, upon creation of his business, can announce exciting information about it through posting: These posts can be about upcoming events, offers, or the usual marketing. It’s important to note that these posts will be available for only 7 days, and after that will be deleted automatically.
Integration with Tumblr
Tumblr integration
We have enabled Tumblr integration so you can schedule posts for Tumblr through the extension. Now, whenever you’re scrolling through the internet and find a post that you would like to share on Tumblr, you can easily schedule from ContentStudio’s Google Chrome Extension.
Instagram multiple images posting
Instagram Multiple Image Posting through Google Chrome Extension
Have you been to a party or a holiday recently? Or perhaps, you can’t decide which picture to post? Here’s a thought: post all of them! 😉
With this update, you can post up to 10 pictures on your Instagram page!
Due to uncertainty resulting from the coronavirus crisis, many users want to hold their working for the time being. While the workspace is on hold, all the automation will be paused and the posting will be moved to the draft.
Details about Pausing Posting
In this state, the user will not be able to add more posting. When he wants to resume the usual posting, he easily can by clicking on Resume Posting.
Resume Posting
His scheduled posts will be posted accordingly as the user selected them. We can also give them a different posting time option during this: by selecting the desired time interval or manually resuming the existing post.
Improvement Updates
Automation: Bulk Upload & Evergreen Special Characters Encoding Issue Resolved
Previously, when people tried to import the CSV file, whether in Bulk Upload or EverGreen Campaign they faced problems with foreign language characters or “Swedish characters” such as these:
Error Image
Now it looks like this:
Error of Special Characters Fixed
With the recent release, you can now upload the CSV file with foreign characters’ text or emojis as well!
Global Content Categories: Slots Improvement
In global content categories, we have improved the edge-cases which include slots removal.
There were two issues with this:
1) The posts were not duplicated to all the categories even after the creation of the Global Category.
2) Slots were missed in the Global Category.
Let’s assume you have scheduled three posts at 2 pm, 4 pm, and 6 pm. You delay your 4 pm post to another time.
Then you end up scheduling another post in this category, however, it used to get skipped! Now, after this improvement, your slot time will be saved just in case you have removed some slots.
Consequently, next time you publish content to the category, the time will be picked from the slot that you removed, before adding it to the last of the category queue.
Composer: Facebook Mentions now shows followers
Previously, our Facebook mentions feature in composer was not showing Page Profile image and total no. of followers the page has.
Now, after a recent release, we show the followers and the Picture of the Page:
This helps to properly identify the account you’re tagging!
Planner Default Settings now set to “Select All”
Planner filters are now set to ‘Select all’ filter by default when reloading the page.
Previously, “all” the filters were not selected by default, and the user had to do that manually. But now, they’re selected automatically.
This means when a user goes to Planner, all the accounts that he has integrated with the Workspace will be shown here!
Content Category added to Evergreen Automation
You can now select the Content Category option in the Evergreen automation campaigns!
Some customers were facing an issue where the conversations in Social Inbox were not updated.
With this Refresh feature located right next to Inbox on the top left corner of the screen, things are about to get a lot better!
Refresh Inbox
Upon clicking on this, all of the conversations in Social Inbox will refresh and update.
No more duplicates, no hassle, we promise! 🙂
Showing Drop-down Select Option if Accounts are Greater Than 15
If you have been an avid user of ContentStudio for a while now, you would have realized that there are two ways of previewing social media accounts while you’re creating a post.
Previously, we used to show the dropdown menu to the user with more than 10 accounts connected. Now, we have changed this to 15.
So if you have less than fifteen accounts they will be shown like in Exhibit A, otherwise, Exhibit B will your friend!
Edit the Queued Post Time
While composing and sharing a blog and social posts, you get the option to add these posts in a queue. This queue is also represented in a calendar form for better management!
Previously, it was not possible to modify the queued post time.
But that’s what we are here for.
We want to bring more convenience & flexibility to our platform users! Now, you can modify the post that is queued via Composer as well as Planner.
By clicking on the edit icon, you can change the schedule for the queued time.
Easy peasy, amirite?
Before you leave…
Let me know in the comments which features you like, and if there’s any feature you would like us to add!
Until next time fellas, au revoir!
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