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A List of Social Media Strategies That Work (to Try in 2021)

blog authorPublished by Hassaan Khan
Aug 25, 202015 minutes

Do you reminisce about Facebook’s organic reach during 2012-14?
Wasn’t it so great?
Some of you might have taken the benefit back then, but chances are, the majority of readers started paying attention to social media later on. Well, it may sound surreal in today’s competitive social media environment where platforms are fighting for more active users than ever before. Every social media platform is up against a few social media platforms and trying to win more and more attention.

It doesn’t stop here; brands are concerned about attention, reach, and engagement on social media more than ever. According to reports, social media ad spending would surpass the spending on traditional media advertising in a few years.

All this competitiveness not just poses challenges for social media platforms, but it also pushes users to renew their social media strategies for 2021 and beyond.

It leads us to a point where individuals and brands must understand how they can leverage social media at its best. Therefore, I decided to share my two cents on some of the best social media marketing strategies for 2021.

Gary Vaynerchuk shared his views on the current state of social media at a conference. He believes that LinkedIn in 2021 is just like Facebook was in 2012. What he means is that today’s organic reach of LinkedIn is very high, and it may not be in the future. He hinted that once Facebook has had the same kind of high organic reach.

The purpose of discussing a list of 100% working social media strategies is that you should know how to navigate through 2021 without being irrelevant.

Moreover, we all hear people chattering about social media followers and reach. There are some exceptionally underrated social media hacks that people don’t pay attention to. What this means is that you may think some of these social media strategies are rather simple to make a difference. And, that’s where most people are wrong. The reason is that some hacks don’t show immediate effect, but instead, you see the results along the way.

Once you finish up this article, you’d have a handful of things to fix on your social media accounts as well as make the most of this year.

Let’s take a look at some social media strategies you should try in 2021:

2020 Strategies

Follow Feature on Facebook Profiles

Facebook is one of the top three social media networks. According to this source, It has almost 2.38 billion monthly active users.

Have many of you have noticed that there is a “follow” feature on Facebook profiles? I guess the majority of the readers haven’t had a chance to explore that Facebook option yet. Sure, some of you are already following profiles on Facebook or have activated the feature on their profiles.

Let’s find out what it does to your social media appearance:

  • It allows new contacts to get connected with you without sending a friend request. It’s because it’s difficult for new faces to add you as a friend on Facebook.
  • It increases your following on Facebook because friends’ friends may not directly know you, so adding you directly might be odd for them. Therefore, following on Facebook is a bit more convenient for them.
  • The number of followers creates an impact on your Facebook profile. People always go through your profile and bio. When they look at the number of friends and followers, it showcases your popularity, social media activity, and engagement.

How to Activate the “Follow” Feature on Facebook

To make this feature pop on your Facebook profile, you may have to follow this simple procedure. Don’t worry, it doesn’t require any social media mastery. All you need to do is locate the feature and set it for your profile.

Go to your Facebook account’s settings section:
fb account settings

Click on the “Public Posts” option to explore public posts filters and tools.

fb privacy
Now, set the option “Who Can Follow Me” according to your needs. It’s okay to set this feature to “Public” because you may not want everyone to add you as a friend, but following you on Facebook would be fine. That’s the whole point of the feature.

follow option fb

Once you set that option, the “follow” button would start to appear on your profile.

Now, people who you aren’t friends with can follow you.

It’d massively impact your social media reach, following, and engagement.

It’s understandable that when more people can connect with you, you’re likely to get more eyeballs on your content, comments, and activities. Over time, you’d notice a surge in your social reach on Facebook.

Use the “Save” Option on Facebook

The “save” option is one of the best tools on Facebook for social media enthusiasts, bloggers, business owners, job persons, and everyone else. What it does is that it allows users to bookmark posts on the platform.

For example, if you stumble upon a post on Facebook that you want to bookmark it for later use, you can save that post.

Here’s how you can save a post on Facebook:

save posts on fb account

Click on the three dots at the top right corner of that post, and then select the “Save Link” option to bookmark your favorite content.

saved posts on fb

If you want to retrieve the content you saved on Facebook, just go to the Facebook wall or home page, and look at the left sidebar. You’d see an option named “Saved.” It collects all the items you save on Facebook. Go through all your saved content through that option.

So saving some useful content and posts on Facebook would certainly help your social media marketing campaign.

Allow Direct Messages on Twitter

One of the social media strategies you should pay attention to is Twitter Direct Messaging. You might think that you can only DM the people who’re following you. Right? Well, yeah, that’s what almost everyone knew about Twitter DMs.

You’re about to find out something that will take your Twitter engagement to the next level. You can allow users to send you direct messages regardless of their relationship with you. Meaning, they don’t have to be your followers to send your direct messages once you allow the audience to directly message you. Nevertheless, be careful and perform a username search in case you receive a suspicious message. Nowadays, there are a lot of hackers that harm companies through their social media accounts.

Here’s how you can do this:

Go to your Twitter “Settings and privacy” option:

settings and provacy on fb

A new popup window would appear.

Click on the “Privacy and Safety” afterward:

Direct messages property on fb

Now, check the box under the “Direct Messages” section, which says, “receive messages from anyone.”

Once it’s done, you’re good to go.

Now, you can receive DMs from everyone on Twitter whether or not they’re following you.

Here’s how your profile would showcase a tiny messaging icon on Twitter once you allow DMs:

Dm on twitter

Maybe, your next prospective client reaches out to you via Twitter direct message.

So make sure that you’re cashing in on Twitter DM.

Share Instagram Story’s Link

First things first, if you aren’t using Instagram and Facebook stories, then you’re missing out on so many opportunities to engage, attract, and convert the audience into paying customers. Instagram has over 1 billion active monthly users that you don’t want to miss out to reach.

Always remember that social media isn’t always about converting the fans into paying customers. Instead, social media is more of a connection-building tool with the audience. Brands put out content, engage with the audience, talk to prospective customers, listen to the fans, solve their problems, and develop relationships.

You might be using Instagram stories to share your stuff, talk to friends, and send updates across, which is understandable because the majority of the users are doing the same thing.

Have you seen the Instagram story’s link?

Chances are, most of you haven’t seen this feature yet.

Well, once you publish your Instagram, you’d see three options on the right bottom of the screen:

I.       Copy Link

II.      Highlight

III.    More

If you click on “copy link,” it’ll immediately copy the link of your Instagram story, and you’d be able to share it on other social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and elsewhere.

The reason you’d want to tap on every possible social media strategy is that 2021 is all about social media competition, new attention-seeking tricks, and dominating through useful content.

Perhaps, you haven’t listened to anyone talking about sharing your Instagram story’s link before. Gone are the days when you keep sharing blog post links or YouTube video links on Facebook and Twitter and get away with it.

Nowadays, you need organic reach, which comes through native content and new social media strategies. Therefore, it’s imperative to come up with a
bunch of new social media hacks now and then to dominate the niche.

Check YouTube Commenters’ Profiles

What if I told you that you could take your connection with your YouTube subscribers to the next level?

Don’t panic, you don’t need a third-party tool’s subscription for digging into YouTube data. What’s important is that you create video content in your social media marketing mix.

YouTube has continuously been doing upgrades on the platform. They’ve introduced profiles lately. What this means is that you can access your commenters’ profiles by clicking on their names from your comments. However, there is a caveat: you can only access commenters’ profiles through the YouTube app.

If you’re wondering that what good checking your commenters’ profiles would do to you, then here’s the answer: you can click through their names and check out the following things:

  •   When they joined the YouTube
  •   How many subscribers do they have on YouTube
  •   How many comments they’ve left on your channel
  •   How many hearts they’ve received from you
  •   Recently left comments on your channel

It allows you to get your hands on the viewers’ statistics.

Moreover, one of the best things about this YouTube feature is that reveals the top commenters on your channel. Thus, you’d get to know who has been quite active on your channel.

The reason why I think it’s 100% working social media strategy is that this feature wasn’t available before. Now, the availability of this feature would make YouTube channels more aware of their content performance and audience response. Plus, statistics and data never fail you; they always help you navigate in the right direction.

Post Videos on Multiple Facebook Pages

I’ve hinted before about the importance of natively uploaded content on social media platforms whether they’re videos or images. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn consider natively uploaded content more valuable, and it always has more potential to reach more people.

Therefore, uploading videos may take time depending upon the speed and quality of the internet service. Facebook has a great social media feature in the creator studio which allows users to post videos on multiple Facebook pages.

For instance, you upload a video to your company’s Facebook page in which you’re talking about your company’s product. If you were to upload the same video to your personal page for more attention and eyeballs, you may upload it twice.

app contentstudio post video

Facebook Creator Studio has this fantastic feature that makes this easier. This way, you could post the same video to your multiple Facebook page without uploading twice. However, you might not be able to make changes to your video post while uploading on multiple pages, but it shouldn’t bother you.

Hence, you get the following benefits for using this feature:

  •   It helps you post natively-uploaded video content
  •   It saves your time and energy that you spend on uploading twice
  •   It doesn’t have a complicated procedure to post videos on multiple pages

So it’s understandable that how useful this social media strategy could be for your overall social media marketing plan in 2021.

I reckon you haven’t thought about posting videos on your multiple Facebook pages, let alone you would know a feature like this ever existed.

Repurpose Articles on LinkedIn and Medium

You may get carried away because I have been discussing a lot of tactics that revolve around social media platforms.

There is no doubt that there are dozens of social media strategies that you should pay attention to in 2021. One of those strategies in content repurposing. What it means is that you take one type of content and create a different type of content, but the gist remains the same. For instance, creating a video presentation from an already written article.

Therefore, there could be different types of content repurposing.

I want you to try repurposing your articles on LinkedIn and Medium.

It turns out to be a great opportunity to capitalize on your social media reach as your message touches an entirely different audience on LinkedIn and Medium.

However, don’t forget to mention the original source of the content which should be your official blog.

Most of the social media users who get serious about social media marketing choose paid advertising over organic reach. Perhaps, the reason is that organic reach requires a lot of hustle and hard work.

But the purpose of this article is to educate you on some of the most underestimated social media strategies that people ignore, and you shouldn’t do that.

ContentStudio is a social media management tool that allows you to publish, schedule, and plan your content on all major social media networks and content platforms. You can try it out for publishing or scheduling your articles on Medium and other networks’ social media scheduling.

Follow Hashtags on Instagram

Have you ever heard of following hashtags on social media? Chances are, you haven’t heard of this. Let me burst the bubble for you. Instagram allows you to follow certain hashtags; they appear on your timeline when you search hashtags.

Instagram, just like any other major social media platform, observes your behavior and recommends relevant features or content that you have been consuming lately.

It means once you search a few hashtags in the Instagram search section and follow a couple of hashtags, Instagram would start recommending you more hashtags to follow.

You can always unfollow the hashtags that you think aren’t delivering value as per your expectations.

You may not have read about this social media strategy because a lot of social media experts underrate small techniques. Maybe, it’s because every strategy doesn’t work for every niche and account. One of the reasons is that the mindset and behavior of a specific segment of the audience are different from the other segment.

For example, the expensive camcorder buyers who could pay from $5,000 to $8,000 for a camcorder may not be interested in a $600 point-and-shoot camera.

So it depends on your target audience that how they think and respond.

I can vouch for this social media strategy that works 100% on Instagram. I discovered so many relevant accounts by following a few hashtags.

Your Thoughts

I came up with a bunch of social media strategies that you can try out in 2021.

The purpose of sharing these strategies was to educate startups, bloggers, and businesses in areas on the social media platforms that we tend to ignore.

Most of us find it convenient to pursue paid social media promotion and search ads without milking organic targeting. Thus, we go to digital marketing agencies to run our Facebook ads or Google search ads. No doubt that paid to advertise is crucial to your digital marketing, but ignoring social media organic opportunities is like leaving money on the table.

I guarantee you that, at least, a couple of simple social media hacks from the list must have rung a bell in your head. The reason is exactly what I explained that we unintentionally ignore simpler strategies and chase the ones that are glorified by the industry.

Apply those 100% working social media strategies, and over time, you’d notice that you’re:

  •   Building more connections with people
  •   Your interaction on social platforms has increased
  •   More people are following you across multiple social media platforms
  •   Your tweets, status, and posts are being noticed on the platforms you’re most active on
  •   Your name and face is being recognized on and off the social media
  •   Your voice is being heard by the followers
  •   More and more people are trying to get into your inner circle on social media

All these things work as an indicator that your social media strategies are working out. You may not see this effect immediately just like you never see any difference in your body after 2 weeks of working out. So don’t worry if you don’t see immense results in a month.

The above-mentioned social media strategies are rather simple but these tactics are tried-and-tested.

Make sure to let me know what you think about these social media tips that you just consumed. The reason I put so much time into writing these social media hacks is that I want you to get your hands on 100% working social media strategies.

Had I known these social media marketing techniques earlier, I would have been able to amass more followers on all major social media platforms.

What’s your favorite social media strategy for 2021?

Let me know in the comments below.

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