How to Undo “Not Interested” on TikTok?

Oops! Did you accidentally tap ‘Not Interested’ on a TikTok video you actually loved? Don’t worry; you’re not alone! It happens to the best of us. But guess what? There’s a way to get those awesome videos back in your feed. This help center guide shows you how to undo the “Not Interested” effect on TikTok.
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What is the “Not Interested” feature on TikTok?
The “Not Interested” option in TikTok is a feature that allows users to indicate that they are not interested in a particular video that appears on their “For You” page.
When you come across a video that you don’t want to see more of, or that doesn’t align with your interests, you can tap on the “Not Interested” button, typically represented by a crossed-out circle or similar icon.
TikTok uses this feedback to improve your content recommendations by showing you less content similar to the video you marked as “Not Interested.” It helps personalize your TikTok feed based on your preferences and interactions.
Why do people accidentally tap on ” Not Interested” on TikTok?
People sometimes tap “Not Interested” on TikTok by mistake because the button is very close to another button, “Save video”. The screen is also small on phones, and people scroll quickly. Also, the buttons can look similar, and new users may not know the app well. TikTok has tried to improve it, but it can still happen because TikTok is fast, and you scroll quickly.
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Can you undo “Not Interested” on TikTok?
On TikTok, if you accidentally tap “Not Interested” on a video, there isn’t a direct way to undo it. Once you’ve marked a video as “Not Interested,” TikTok uses that information to show you less similar content.
However, you can’t completely reverse this action. To counteract it, you can interact more with the type of content you want to see. For instance, if you mistakenly marked a creator as “Not Interested,” you can go to their page, watch their videos, like the ones you enjoy, and engage with them more.
Similarly, when similar content appears on your feed, don’t skip it; interact with it more by liking, commenting, and watching it multiple times. This way, TikTok will learn your preferences and continue showing you the content you like.
What does the not interested button on TikTok mean?
The “Not Interested” button on TikTok indicates that you don’t like particular content. It provides feedback to TikTok’s recommendation algorithm and impacts the content you see in your feed.
How do I say I don’t like TikTok?
To express that you don’t like a TikTok video, simply tap the “Not Interested” button. It will help you change your feed to your preferences.
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